Ink on paper, 50 x 54 inches
CANOPY NATIVITY speaks to climate change and its rupture of human habits and habitats. CANOPY NATIVITY combines speculative futurism with the most elemental act of survival—birth. A woman takes refuge from a rising flood in the precarious heights of pine boughs, delivering a child only to have space-suited figures come to pluck it away.

detail of CANOPY NATIVITY 2022
Delivery and possession…

Detail of CANOPY NATIVITY 2022

Detail of CANOPY NATIVITY 2022
Severed trunk

2021, Ink on Arches, 40.5 x 90.5 inches
CANOPY speaks to climate change and its rupture of human habits and habitats. Kayaks lined with birch bark are clad in tin foil and stranded high in the pines. Tin foil is often associated with paranoid strategies of fighting surveillance, but it can also be a protective insulator. As the earth is threatened and threatening, these vessels are adapted in desperation, awaiting new and more sustainably-minded navigators.

Detail of CANOPY
2021, Ink on Arches, 40.5 x 90.5 inches

Detail of CANOPY
2021, Ink on Arches, 40.5 x 90.5 inches

Detail of CANOPY
2021, Ink on Arches, 40.5 x 90.5 inches

Detail of CANOPY
2021, Ink on Arches, 40.5 x 90.5 inches