Incoming was included in this group show at Emery Arts Center at University of Maine Farmington, co-sponsored with the New Commons Project, September 2 - October 31, 2021.
Incoming, Ink and distemper on paper, 50 x 116 inches
Incoming was included in this group show at Emery Arts Center at University of Maine Farmington, co-sponsored with the New Commons Project, September 2 - October 31, 2021.
Incoming, Ink and distemper on paper, 50 x 116 inches
Northern Illinois University Art Museum
Insurrection is included in this group show that investigates the unique role and way the visual and performing arts assist in maintaining social, psychological and physical health and happiness.
Featuring artists: Jan Bolander, Cynthia A. Boudreau, Zachary Cahill, Donna Castellanos, Whit Forrester, Jeanne Garrett, Maria Gedroc, Jessica Gondek, Andrew Ellis Johnson, Judith Joseph, Savannah Jubic, Cleo Krueger, Dean Krueger, Lim Sieu Lian (SLim), Christina Loraine, Julie A. Mars, Benjamin Merritt, Taweesak Molsawat, Alfred Stark, Linda Stein, Veronica Storc, Rhonda Wheatley and Unidentified.
Insurrection, 2020, Ink on Paper, 50 x 113 inches
QUARANZINE: An Artistic Collaboration in the Time of Covid-19
A collaborative publication project by Marc Fischer
On view at Innovative Media, Research and Commercialization Center (IMRC) at University of Maine, Orono, October 9 - November 13, 2020.
Carrier is included in The Plague Review: For the Sheltered in Place, October 2020
Published by Rotland Press, Edited by Ryan Standfest
INTERVIEWS with cartoonist Hugleikur Dagsson + artist Christopher Sperandio. COMICS by Hugleikur Dagsson + Jesse Duquette + Mr. Fish + Ben Jones + Christopher Sperandio. SKETCHBOOKS by D.B. Dowd + Sophie Eisner + Michael Garguilo. POETRY by Martin Rowson. ART by Marc Brunier-Mestas + Amze Emmons + Bill Fick + Jochen Gerner + Rebecca Gilbert + Matti Hagelberg + Sophy Hollington + Andrew Ellis Johnson + Sarah Randles + Mats Stromberg + Refael Idan Suissa + Piotr Szyhalski + Ashley Taylor.
Carrier, 2020, Ink on paper, 50 x 115 inches
Cover by Christopher Sperandio
Carrier, 2020, Ink on paper, 55 x 115 inches
INSURRECTION, 2020, ink on paper, 50 x 113 inches and poem, FALLOW TRENCH